Jumbo DerrickJumbo DerrickCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary J Jumbo Derrick < Back to Glossary Indexcolloquial term to describe a conventional heavy-lift derrick.Related:Proof loadAbaftCustom of the TradeBerth termsBreach of contractDLOSP (Dropping Last Outward Sea Pilot)
Jumbo DerrickCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary J Jumbo Derrick < Back to Glossary Indexcolloquial term to describe a conventional heavy-lift derrick.Related:Proof loadAbaftCustom of the TradeBerth termsBreach of contractDLOSP (Dropping Last Outward Sea Pilot)